
Get ready to elevate your personal safety with one of our newest innovations, "Croissant" – the chic, yet discreetly powerful self-defense ring inspired by the enchanting streets of Paris.
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The world we live in is generally a safe place, especially if you follow basic precautions and don't involve yourself in dangerous activities. However, we would be lying if we said any person or persons are invincible to danger. You...
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Nashali also taught us that any women or person can be a survivor. Attacks never happen the same way and there are hundreds of variables that can alter the outcome. Do not assume that if the attacker is bigger, or stronger, or even a man, that you don't stand a chance. Nashali proved to us that any woman can be a survivor if she fights back even if the perpetrator is bigger than you.
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A new year means new beginnings. Our team at Defender Ring is happy to enter 2023 with a full head of steam comprising new products, continued partnerships, and greater involvement with our customers and community. Partnerships Working together with organizations and...
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In this day and age you can never be too careful with all of the scams and fraud on the internet. Similar to dangerous situations, always go with your gut instinct. If an online business feels fishy, then avoid them. If they feel genuine and present, then you should feel confident purchasing products from them.
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