7 Ways to Fight Off an Attacker with Defender Ring™

7 Ways to Fight Off an Attacker with Defender Ring™

Reading Time: 8 minutes

How to Wear Defender Ring™

The Defender Ring™ should be worn on the middle finger of your hand for balanced self-defense and usage.  Wear it on your dominant hand so you can have more power, speed and movement.  

Other alternatives would be to wear the Defender Ring™ on the index finger or ring finger.  The personal-defense ring should be on one of these central fingers to position the weapon in the best position for fighting off an attacker.

Securing Defender Ring™ to Your Hand

Make a fist by curling your four fingers into your palm, and covering the fingers with your thumb.  The fist position will secure Defender Ring™ to your hand and it will be difficult for an attacker to knock the weapon off.

securing defender ring to hand by making fist

How to Arm Defender Ring™

If you sense danger, or if you're simply not sure you should arm the Defender Ring™.  Arming Defender Ring™ is fast and easy - just twist the ring top to unscrew it, which will unsheathe the blade.  Twisting the ring top can be done in as little as a couple of seconds.

Why do we suggest you do arm the Defender Ring™ if you're not sure?  It's always better to be safe than sorry. Arming Defender Ring™ is fast, easy and you can just as quickly and easily disarm the ring.  

7 Self-Defense Moves Using Defender Ring™

1. Punch to the Face/Throat/Eyes

Any punch will suffice depending on your angle and distance to the attacker.  Some different types of punches are a short punch with the bottom of your fist facing upwards or a longer punch with your fist facing downward.  

You should aim your punch for the face, throat or eyes (or in the general area of all three of them at the head).  The punch should be fast and powerful because the head is one of the easiest places for someone getting punched to block or duck.  

The punch is intended to strike the target with speed and power.  Regardless of which body part you aim for, you should always aim to strike and penetrate through your target.

After your punch has made contact to the face/throat/eyes of the attacker, reload your fist and strike again as necessary until the attacker is disabled.  

2. Slash to the Face/Throat/Eyes

Slash to the face/throat/eyes with Defender Ring™ is an effective personal defense move to impair an attacker's vision, cause severe pain, or draw blood from the attacker. The slash is meant to cause a long, painful gash in the intended target's face, throat or eyes.

Please make sure you understand how the blade aligns with your fist.  The blade of the Defender Ring™ is always aligned parallel with the band.  Therefore if you're wearing it on your finger, the blade should be aligned parallel with the width of the hand/fist.

Once the Defender Ring™ is on your fist and secured, you simply bend your entire arm back like a catapult, and release it toward your intended target's head.  The arm angle should be parallel to the ground and you should be aiming for the center of the attacker's head.  Once your weapon contacts the face of the attacker, the goal is to continue with the slashing move until your arm is on the other side of the target's head and the blade has made a long gash across the attacker's face.  Once the first slash is complete, reload and slash back across the face in the opposite direction of the first slash. Continue this motion as much as you can until the attacker is disabled.

To reiterate the point above, your slash to the face must be fast.  The human body's natural instinct to defend itself against attacks to the head is quick and if you aren't quicker, the attacker will be able to block or avoid.

3. Block to the Finger/Hand/Arm

A block to the finger, hand or arm of the attacker is great for a combination defensive and offensive move.  Not only are you blocking the attacker's strike, but you are blocking it with a strong offensive move that will not just deter his blow, but inflict pain to him.

This move is ideal if the attacker is direct with his evil intentions.  Some aggressors will attack their victims head on and come right at them, acting upon emotion and impulse rather than deception.  These are the individuals you may be able to see coming from a mile away as they telegraph their intentions and allow you to prepare and plan for their moves.  As the attacker approaches you, he may come at you slowly or quickly with his body and hands facing you.  You can block his hands/arms using your hand with the Defender Ring™.

A block can be in the form of different movements.  One is a swipe, similar to the slash except in a defensive capacity.  You're swiping at his hand to block it from contacting your body.  The swipe should be performed with a closed fist and you should be trying to contact your fist with his hand.

Another block is actually a punch, but again in a defensive capacity.  Your trying to punch his hand advances, in order to block them and to inflict injury to them.  You can do this using any angle that is appropriate.  You can block from the side, block from the bottom, or even block straight at his hand advances.

Please remember that the best self-defense is always to avoid, deter, and escape before engaging in a physical self-defense situation.  If you can pick up signs that this individual is telegraphing his negative intentions, it's best to avoid him altogether.

4. Slice to the Finger/Hand/Arm

Slice to the finger, hand, or arm is similar to the block above.  One big difference is that this slice is more defensive than offensive.  Think about the slice as a movement that is parallel to your body.  It's meant to shield and block your body from any moves coming toward it.  The slice should not be performed towards the attacker's body, as you would lose the range and effectiveness of the move.

You're aiming for an attacker's advance against you - usually by his fingers, hand, or arm.  The fingers, hand, and sometimes arm are normally exposed and not covered by clothing.  Therefore it will make the easiest target to penetrate, inflict injury, and draw blood.

5. Jab to the Leg/Thigh

Jab to the leg or thigh is striking the leg or thigh with the Defender Ring™.  This move can and should only be done in certain situations.  The first situation is if you don't have access to the attacker's face, hands or arms.  For example if the attacker has mounted you and you only have access to his leg or thighs, then this is the best move in that situation.  Another example would be if he is a lot taller and bigger than you, or if he has subdued you in a position that you only have access to his leg area.

If the perpetrator is wearing shorts, then you are in a good position to strike bare skin, draw blood, and inflict injury.  However if the perpetrator is wearing pants or jeans it will be more difficult to strike through the material.  The Defender Ring™ is very sharp, so it can be done, but will have to be done with more power at a faster speed.

The jab is a type of punch.  It's normally performed with an emphasis on speed and contact as opposed to power and follow through.  This is so that the user can get off several jabs to the perpetrator before he can react.  When you're attacking the leg/thigh region, it's best to defend with several jabs instead of one punch.  The first reason was stated above - you may not penetrate the pants material on the first strike, so it's best to continue to jab until you penetrate the material.  Secondly, the leg is a big and strong limb with big muscles and bones.  One strike may not inflict the pain and injury that you need to disable the attacker and several jabs will be more effective at deterring the attacker.

6. Backwards Strike to the Face

Backwards strike to the face is a self-defense move intended for a specific scenario.  In this situation, the aggressor would have attacked you from behind.  He may be grabbing your body or arms from behind, or he may be strangling or choking you from behind.

If an aggressor is grabbing you from behind, you have very limited options and your chances for survival are already very low, especially if you didn't have a weapon or Defender Ring™.  With Defender Ring™ armed, you would have a better chance at striking the attacker and having him disengage in his attack from behind.

An attacker has grabbed you from behind and is strangling you.  If you're wearing and have armed Defender Ring™, then you have to act quickly.  

1. Load your hand and arm that has Defender Ring™.  Loading your arm means cocking it back into a position which will give you more power and speed once you strike.  For backwards strike to the face, you load your arm by bending it at a 90 degree right angle and putting it close to your waist.

2. Strike backwards to the face of your attacker.  You should be able to feel whether your attacker's face is behind your left shoulder, right shoulder, or directly behind your head.  The backwards strike should be directed either over your left shoulder or right shoulder depending on where your attacker is.

*As you strike backwards, you want to include as much body momentum and torque as possible.  This is similar to loading your arm - except you're loading your entire body.  You can achieve this by bending your body as much as possible forward and then exploding with your strike.  If you're striking over the opposite shoulder, coil your body and twist out of it over your shoulder.

3. This is intended to be a powerful strike to the face, as opposed to the jab.  You honestly won't have much time and energy to try to land multiple jabs to the aggressor's face.  You'll likely have one opportunity to strike the attacker's face, and you have to make it strong and fast.

7. Stab and Rip to the Hand/Arm

Stab and rip to the hand or arm is another defensive move for a specific scenario.  If an aggressor grabs you on the street, you need to disengage his grip immediately.  The longer you remain in the control of your attacker, the lower chance you have for survival.

This move is ideal if the aggressor has grabbed you, your body or your arm with his hand.  What if he grabs the arm with the Defender Ring™ on it?  You should make sure that your Defender Ring™ arm is always more protected than your other arm.  This arm can be considered your weapon, so you should ensure that your weapon is always locked and accessible.

Stab him in the hand or arm and pull Defender Ring™ towards you to rip his blood vessels, nerves, and skin.  The most important part of this self-defense move is making sure the initial stab penetrates the skin.  Once you perform this move, the attacker will most likely release his grip and you should immediately escape.

Practical Self-Defense for Everyone

We all have busy lives with work, school, family, friends, and other activities.  Self-defense weapons cannot be burdensome to the wearer - they should be practical for people to carry, use or wear every day to be prepared for a dangerous situation.

Some people argue, but Defender Ring™ is just a small blade, it can't do anything.  There were several scenarios above that if you were unarmed, you wouldn't stand a chance of surviving.  For example if an attacker is choking you from behind and you are unarmed, you have basically a 0% chance of surviving if the attacker wants to harm you.  However with the Defender Ring™ on, you have a chance to strike him in the face, hands, or arms which may deter him from completing the attack or at the very least draw blood and DNA.

The bottom line is we want everyone to be prepared for an attack and Defender Ring™ will give you an advantage over an unarmed target.

1 comment

  • Ak Asad

    How can I get it ?

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