About Us

About Defender Ring

Defender Ring is a self defense company and social empowerment brand located in New York City.

We launched in 2019 and offer the largest collection of innovative and original self defense rings online.

Our founding goal was to create a practical, discreet self defense weapon for women in the form of an everyday jewelry ring.

Invention of Self Defense Rings

On August 2, 2016 in New York City, Karina Vetrano went out for an afternoon jog in a nearby park and was attacked and murdered in broad daylight.

Five days later on August 7, 2016 in Massachusetts,  Vanessa Marcottealso went out for an afternoon run and was also attacked and killed in broad daylight.

These similar attacks in such a short time span sent shockwaves throughout the country as these murders were not what you would expect; these women were exercising in public places in the middle of the day.

The lack of practical self defense weapons outraged Defender Ring, LLC founder Ryan Lee, and the idea for Defender Ring was spawned from this need.

Defender Ring's Impact

Defender Ring has empowered and armed women and men in 34 countries across the world. 

Mission Statement

To offer everyday jewelry rings with effective self defense capabilities.

Company Vision

To create a safer everyday life for people around the world.

Social Mission

To support and promote social causes aligning with our core principles of empowerment and compassion.

Defender Ring donates a portion of all proceeds to organizations that support our aligned social causes.

Please click here to learn more about our Social Mission.

Our Customers

Defender Ring has been sold globally to customers in 34 countries across 6 continents including United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, China, Slovakia, France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, India, Albania, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Morocco, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Chile, Ireland, Philippines, New Zealand, Denmark, Mexico, Norway, Lithuania, Poland, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

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Defender Ring Team

Our team is a passionate, hard-working group that is dedicated to social empowerment and standing up for what's right.

Please click here to learn more about joining Defender Ring.

Intellectual Property

All rings are the original property of Defender Ring, LLC.

Contact Us

Drop us a line! We love connecting with customers. Feel free to email us at hello@defenderring.com

Defender Ring, LLC 
350 Canal Street #188
New York, NY 10013